They don’t even say their names

Conscience Makes You Go Back: Rybak, who is carrying the goat, goes back to help Sotnikov when Sotnikov is shot. Later, his conscience gets weaker. Daydream Surprise: Twice does Rybak imagine fleeing from his German captors and getting shot to death in the process. Gorlas Vidikas, whose only claim to characterdom had been being name dropped once in the first book, gets his own point of view as well. Similarly, Apsal’ara whom Crockus/Cutter named Sorry/Apsalar after in the first book gets to show up and have her own storyline. Asleep for Days: Picker spends several days in a coma like state after her attempt to contact Ganoes Paran via the Finnest House. Blood from the Mouth: Castiel spits blood onto the floor when infected by Pestilence. Boom, Headshot: Castiel beautifully one shots a Croatoan infectee trying to kill Sam. Brainless Beauty: Crowley’s opinion of the brothers: “You two are lucky you have your looks”.

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