The film is notable for its Troubled Production. At first, the remake replaced the Soviet Union with the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese villains were later replaced by North Koreans. Images had to be digitally altered and Chinese dialogue dubbed over to fit this change. The official reason for the change was that North Koreans would make more menacing villains, but most commentators believe that the change was to avoid angering the Chinese government, that limits the number of import films from the United States each year (and would give the slot to another film). Additionally, industry experts pointed out the obvious that even with distribution permission, Chinese audiences would be less inclined to watch a movie that clearly demonized their troops (in previous decades, Soviet cinema casting the American military as villains haven’t made it to the US for similar reasons).
There are hints at the other three having been less than law abiding in the past. Emmett and Jake both seem fairly well versed in jail breaks. Some of the things Mal says about his time in Chicago (not the nicest of places in the 1880’s) suggest that he might have been involved in some dubious activities. All four are quite skilled at gunplay and show little hesitation towards killing, although they tend to avoid killing the mostly innocent (compare the jail break to the rest of the movie). The Sheriff: Langston as the (mostly) honest variety, Cobb as the Corrupt Hick variety. Langston is honest, but extremely strict; and not above changing the law to save his own skin, “Today my jurisdiction ends here.” Showdown at High Noon: Cobb and Paden, although the time of day is never mentioned. Stock British Characters: John Cleese plays a British Bobby Sheriff in a small frontier town. Smart People Play Chess: Sheriff Langston plays chess with himself, showing that he is intelligent and Surrounded by Idiots. He plays with a deputy sitting across the board from him, but turns the board around after each move to play both sides. Smug Snake: “Slick,” played by Jeff Goldblum. Weapon of Choice: Mal and his father are both fans of the Henry rifle. What Happened to the Mouse?: Paden is asked repeatedly by his old riding buddies what became of the injured dog that drove him out of banditry. When Stella asks, he says simply, “She left me,” jokingly making it sound like the end of a romance, and continuing to evade the question. The Wild West: A reconstruction of classic frontier America during the Wild West era. Young Gun: Jake.
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